Benjamin Burton

Mathematician and Software Developer

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Modular Arithmetic Modular Arithmetic App Icon

A calculator for arithmetic modulo N. It lets you choose a fixed modulus, and then make lots of calculations without having to press a “mod” button again and again. It also:

For details, screenshots and examples, see the

For support or suggestions, contact the author at bab at

Who wrote this?

Benjamin Burton. By day I do research in computational geometry and topology at The University of Queensland (see my university site), and a lot of my work involves writing mathematical software. I do iOS programming in my spare time.

Why this app?

It was something I wanted myself - to fix a modulus and then make lots of quick calculations. It is useful, for instance, in classical cryptography where you work consistently modulo 26 (if you are using the English alphabet).

Was it written carefully?

Yes - I very much care about correct results! The code is backed up by a thorough suite of automated mathematical tests.

Privacy policy

This app does not collect any data.
